Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
December Newsletter
It's been a year! On December 1, 2008, the GlobalLight Projects team first met together to begin planning to do our part to improve the world. Thomas had the vision and understanding of how simple technology, especially green energy sources (solar and wind) can bring parts of the developing world into the 21st century. He put action to his deeds and studied to become a photo-voltaic technician. Currently he is expanding that expertise with broader studies of alternative energy.
Thomas also knew he wanted a team of people to work with him, and that is where the rest of us come in. We all have complementary skills and actually, really enjoy just being together. We established a vision and developed a strategy to implement that vision. We chose an initial project - solar energy for the school in Chona, Zambia. We developed several communication and fund-raising tools and presented our vision and project several times. We established a working relationship with a development foundation in Zambia and have been featured in a Times of Zambia article. We have raised several thousand dollars toward our project and are hard at work to raise the rest.
Of course, we are looking forward to the next year and the hopes that we will install our first project. We especially appreciate those who joined us from the beginning, encouraging us that we were doing something worthwhile. As with any endeavour, it is the people you meet that are most important, and we have been blessed with the help of old friends and the acquaintance of many new friends. Thanks to all of you!
Another Presentation
In November, the GlobalLight Projects team was privileged to present our project to Mary Immaculate Church in London, ON.
Thomas presenting
Marilyn working the computer
Peter & Thomas receiving donation
Merry Christmas
We trust you have a blessed Christmas. Of course, Christmas is the season of giving. In searching for the perfect gift, consider making a donation to a favourite charity in honour of someone you care about. Your gift of $25, $50 or $100 towards our solar project in Zambia will help a whole community and last for years. You can conveniently give online in just seconds. Thanks!
Contact Us!
Don't hesitate to contact the GlobalLight Projects Team with your questions, comments, suggestions or to help arrange a demonstration of solar power and to talk about our vision and concept. Also, feel free to pass this newsletter on to someone who might be interested.
Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings,
all the snow in Alaska won't make it 'white'."
~ Bing Crosby
all the snow in Alaska won't make it 'white'."
~ Bing Crosby
Your GlobalLight Projects Team
Marilyn, Wayde, Peter, Thomas & Doug
Let There Be Light!
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- GlobalLight Projects
- exists to help the people in the developing world by applications of simple technology