Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
December Newsletter
It's been a year! On December 1, 2008, the GlobalLight Projects team first met together to begin planning to do our part to improve the world. Thomas had the vision and understanding of how simple technology, especially green energy sources (solar and wind) can bring parts of the developing world into the 21st century. He put action to his deeds and studied to become a photo-voltaic technician. Currently he is expanding that expertise with broader studies of alternative energy.
Thomas also knew he wanted a team of people to work with him, and that is where the rest of us come in. We all have complementary skills and actually, really enjoy just being together. We established a vision and developed a strategy to implement that vision. We chose an initial project - solar energy for the school in Chona, Zambia. We developed several communication and fund-raising tools and presented our vision and project several times. We established a working relationship with a development foundation in Zambia and have been featured in a Times of Zambia article. We have raised several thousand dollars toward our project and are hard at work to raise the rest.
Of course, we are looking forward to the next year and the hopes that we will install our first project. We especially appreciate those who joined us from the beginning, encouraging us that we were doing something worthwhile. As with any endeavour, it is the people you meet that are most important, and we have been blessed with the help of old friends and the acquaintance of many new friends. Thanks to all of you!
Another Presentation
In November, the GlobalLight Projects team was privileged to present our project to Mary Immaculate Church in London, ON.
Thomas presenting
Marilyn working the computer
Peter & Thomas receiving donation
Merry Christmas
We trust you have a blessed Christmas. Of course, Christmas is the season of giving. In searching for the perfect gift, consider making a donation to a favourite charity in honour of someone you care about. Your gift of $25, $50 or $100 towards our solar project in Zambia will help a whole community and last for years. You can conveniently give online in just seconds. Thanks!
Contact Us!
Don't hesitate to contact the GlobalLight Projects Team with your questions, comments, suggestions or to help arrange a demonstration of solar power and to talk about our vision and concept. Also, feel free to pass this newsletter on to someone who might be interested.
Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings,
all the snow in Alaska won't make it 'white'."
~ Bing Crosby
all the snow in Alaska won't make it 'white'."
~ Bing Crosby
Your GlobalLight Projects Team
Marilyn, Wayde, Peter, Thomas & Doug
Let There Be Light!
Monday, November 16, 2009
November '09 Newsletter
RememberRecently, news shows have featured an "expert" talking about the likelihood of people being able to live indefinitely within the next 20 years. Someone has said that the first person to live 1000 years is probably already alive. This supposedly will occur because of genetic and technological breakthroughs, where little nano-bots will run around inside us, fixing what ails us. Nice idea - for the lucky few of us who live in the developed world. What about those who live now where a child dies every 6 seconds from hunger. Where a baby born today will not expect to see her 40th birthday. Where children do not attend school because they must carry water and gather firewood. It seems it is convenient to forget them.
The GlobalLight Projects team is grateful to Trinity Lutheran Church, London, ON and FaithLife Financial for their generous support. Together, they offered to match funds we raised, up to $500. Happily, we exceeded that goal during the specified period and recently, Heather Ellis on behalf of Trinity Lutheran Church presented their cheque to Thomas and Peter.
We would be delighted if you or your group also found a creative way or two to help make a difference for a whole village in Zambia. Contact us with your ideas, suggestions or questions.
Zambian-Canadian Dinner
GlobalLight Projects was well received by those in attendance, and we made many new friends. It is inspiring to see what Canadians can do for others.
'Tis the Season
Still looking for the perfect gift? How about a gift to the children in Chona, Zambia? Unlike some, we don't have a catalogue where you can buy a goat or some chickens. But your donation of $25, $50 or $100 will purchase a needed part of the solar installation to light up a school and give the whole community a new resource. If you would like to make your donation in memory or in honour of someone, let us know and we will send an appropriate card. Don't get stressed out in a mall. Get the perfect gift right here!
Contact Us!
Don't hesitate to contact the GlobalLight Projects Team with your questions, comments, suggestions or to help arrange a demonstration of solar power and to talk about our vision and concept. Also, feel free to pass this newsletter on to someone who might be interested.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
~ Mahatma Gandhi
~ Mahatma Gandhi
Your GlobalLight Projects Team
Marilyn, Wayde, Peter, Thomas & Doug
Let There Be Light!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
October 09 Newsletter
Happy Thanksgiving!
I can't image why it took until Pilgrims sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and managed to survive in a strange continent before someone thought of setting apart a day of thanksgiving! I guess they realized that they made it that far with the help of a good deal of Providence. Counting blessings is always a good thing to do. And, since in Canada we have so many blessings, sharing them is even better!
In the News
GlobalLight Pr
Read the article.
New Blog
If you did not receive the newsletter in the mail, it was because either you requested to be contacted online only or we did not have your mailing address. So, if you received the newsletter in the mail or not, check out the blog, and don't forget to post a comment.
You can access the GlobalLight Projects blog here.
You can update your contact info here
A Different Kind of Giving
Each year it seems we bemoan the materialism of modern Christmas and then plunge right into it! A charitable donation, along with a meaningful discussion of the importance of helping others, is really a life-long gift. So, why not pick a favourite cause or two, and have a different kind of Christmas. If your favourite cause is GlobalLight Projects, that would be OK with us!
Donate now to GlobalLight Projects
Contact Us!
Don't hesitate to contact the GlobalLight Projects Team with your questions, comments, suggestions or to help arrange a demonstration of solar power and to talk about our vision and concept. Also, feel free to pass this newsletter on to someone who might be interested.
"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."
~ Meister EckhardtYour GlobalLight Projects Team
Marilyn, Wayde, Peter, Thomas & Doug
Let There Be Light!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Our first printed newsletter
From our origin in December 2008, we have emailed monthly newsletters. Email is great and certainly keeps the costs down. But, some folks actually don't use email much (!) and there just seems to be something different about having something in your hand. Guess that's why our mailboxes are still filled with advertising. At the risk of getting lost in the pile of paper, the GlobalLight Projects team decided we would mail periodic newsletters. They are actually a different form of communication, and these days you have to use all the tools. So, for those who did not receive the paper copy, (or would like to see it again) here is our very first paper copy of The Wire.
GlobalLight Projects in the News
GlobalLight Projects is profiled in a recent article in The Times of Zambia. The article was written by CHASAYA SICHILIMA, who lives in London, Ontario and is the president of the Zambian Canadian Foundation. The article profiles several agencies in Canada that are dedicated to helping the people of Zambia. As a new organization whose first project is set for a village in southern Zambia, we are pleased to receive such notice. Now, we can't disappoint the people of Zambia!
Read the entire article.
Read the entire article.
Welcome to the GlobalLight Projects Blog
From time to time the GlobalLight Projects Team (Marilyn, Wayde, Thomas, Peter and Doug) will post info here that suits a blog better than the website. And, of course, blogs encourage two way communication and feedback, so we look forward to that. Bookmark this address, or if you use a feedreader, please subscribe to get automatic notices.
From time to time the GlobalLight Projects Team (Marilyn, Wayde, Thomas, Peter and Doug) will post info here that suits a blog better than the website. And, of course, blogs encourage two way communication and feedback, so we look forward to that. Bookmark this address, or if you use a feedreader, please subscribe to get automatic notices.
Let there be light!
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- GlobalLight Projects
- exists to help the people in the developing world by applications of simple technology