May 2010 Newsletter
In recent weeks, we have participated in the Zambia Radio Blog - a live audio webcast to Zambians living throughout the world. The producers had taken note of what we doing and wanted to know more. The listening audience is about 15,000 and the programs are archived on the Internet for later listening. This program complemented The Times of Zambia article profiling GlobalLight Projects and other initiatives by Zambian expatriates to help develop the country (the article is available on our blog).
We also assisted a Canadian journalist who had a fellowship to study development issues in Africa by passing along some of the things we have learned and introducing him to contacts both in Canada, Uganda and Zambia that could contribute to his research. Our latest presentation was to the Rotary Club in Woodstock, ON (Thomas is pictured above). Solar powered batteries lighting the room for lunch sets the stage for an interesting talk!
The Story of Stuff
Ever wonder about how you can buy stuff so cheaply - stuff that was made in China, for example, with materials produced elsewhere and then shipped here? I know that we like to complain about high prices, but think of the things you purchase now for less, in real terms, i.e. adjusted for inflation. The Story of Stuff is a 20 minute cartoon, produced and narrated by Annie Leonard and it shows the hidden costs of what we consume. Perhaps the most shocking fact is that if the whole world consumed like we in the West do, we'd need 5 earths to provide the resources. But, we only have one. So, get ready, whether you like it or not, a future of conservation and more modest living is coming. Either that, or there will be war to grab the resources first. Orwell's vision in 1984. Iraq, anyone? The disturbing fact is that other people are subsidizing our comfortable lifestyle. It's time to give something back.
Check out The Story of Stuff website
Buy less crap.
-Annie Leonard
Contact Us!
Don't hesitate to contact the GlobalLight Projects Team with your questions, comments, suggestions or to help arrange a demonstration of solar power and to talk about our vision and concept. Also, feel free to pass this newsletter on to someone who might be interested.
Don't hesitate to contact the GlobalLight Projects Team with your questions, comments, suggestions or to help arrange a demonstration of solar power and to talk about our vision and concept. Also, feel free to pass this newsletter on to someone who might be interested.
Your GlobalLight Projects Team
Marilyn, Wayde, Peter, Thomas & Doug
Marilyn, Wayde, Peter, Thomas & Doug
Let There Be Light!
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